Blog rules!

Please ensure that you keep to the following blogging guidelines:

  • Keep discussions and comments on your blog to the subject area of Science (this isn’t a personal blog)
  • NEVER post information or pictures of others without their permission.
  • NEVER post your full name or the full name of others – use FIRST NAMES only.
  • NEVER post anything about yourself that you wouldn’t like to see posted worldwide.
  • NEVER post any details about where you might live:

BAD! “Hi, I’m Cody and I live at 123 Kelly Street, Turtleville”

GOOD! “Hi I’m Cody and I live in regional NSW”

  • NEVER post any information that may lead to your identity. Be careful of any information you reveal.

BAD!  “I go to Turtleville High School”

GOOD! “I’m in year 12 and am studying chemistry”

  • Blogs are in a public space – be proud of anything that you write or post.
  • Be respectful and positive in your responses and comments to others.
  • Always watch for inappropriate language – see your teacher if this occurs.
  • Write with full words and sentences. Please do not use mobile phone text talk.
  • Remember – everything is checked before we publish it on our blog.